Why do I swim ?

by Jun 28, 2019Blog6 comments


Todays guest post is from Chris Habbishow, Swim Buddy Network Member

When people have told you ‘you can’t do that, how can you swim without your legs’, you become more determined to do it all the more.  


Some 16 years ago I went into a wheelchair due to spondylitis of the spine leaving me paralysed from the waist down. My life felt like it was over. I was on a ton of tablets, which I’ve since discovered gave me seizures leaving me housebound & nearly ruined my life.

After seeing a consultant who suggested the tablets were causing the seizures, I stopped them & discovered different ways to deal with the pain – swimming being one of them. I swam as an able bodied child but hadn’t been in a pool since I was about 14 years old & now I was in a chair, very over weight & paralysed,. Could I get back into it?

Scared, worried, concerned, fat & wheelchair bound I headed to my local baths, deep breaths, shut my eyes & try, I thought. In the ‘area for all’ part of the pool I plopped out of my chair onto the floor & bumped to the edge, I swear everyone was looking at me but goggles down in I splashed. Four lengths later I was shattered, panting & wondering how I’d ever lose the feeling of a sack of potatoes on my back & bum. Shoulders aching I got out wondering if I would ever be able to do it again. What was stopping me doing it again, I asked myself only to go back the next day. Six lengths the next day.

In under a year I’m down five stone & now swimming between 5-20k a day, seven days a week, in the fast lane! No I’m not as fast as everyone, but I’m only using my arms, trying to balance with them to & trying desperately to drag my sorry arse up and along in the water & winning. I’ve heard every ‘stupid’ comment about me ‘not being able to swim, not being able to get in the water, not being able to keep up, etc’. You tell me I can’t, it becomes a challenge to me. I can, I will. Come on peeps, if I can do it, anyone can.

When people have told you ‘you can’t do that, how can you swim without your legs’, you become more determined to do it all the more.